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to sleep

(Top view)

Stoneware clay, clear ceramic glaze

Height: 9"

Width: 4.5"

Depth: 8"

to sleep

(Frontal view)

to sleep

to sleep

to sleep

(Right side view)

(Left side view)

(Left side view close up)


(Frontal view)

Stoneware clay, clear ceramic glaze, pink ceramic glaze 

Height: 7"

Width: 6"




(Right side, frontal view)

(Back view)

through the dark

through the dark 

through the dark

(Frontal view)

(Right side, frontal view)

(Left side view)

on the inside

(Frontal view)

on the inside 

on the inside 

(Right side, frontal view)

(Left side, frontal view)

Stoneware clay, dark blue ceramic glaze, clear ceramic glaze 

Height: 3"

Width: 4"

Depth: 4"

Stoneware clay, lavender ceramic glaze, clear ceramic glaze, glass chips 

Height: 10.5"

Width: 6.5"

Depth: 1"

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